About me

I’m Charlotte, green witch, gardener, wild forager, mother, home herbalist & lover of all things nature. Allow me to connect you to your own divine & wild nature with the ancient wisdom of the plants.

My affinity for plants started young; 6 year old me would be so happy to know that making potions with the plants in the backyard is still my favourite thing to do. I would anoint myself with flowers & imagine entering different worlds & fairy kingdoms this way. 

A decade later, after I finished school, I took horticulture studies. My mind was blown, the plants had me awe struck! Since then they have had my attention. I am completely inspired by all things green. I love to learn about their unique qualities & properties. Now since settling on land, I have take a deep deep dive into herbalism & have recently been called to learn to speak with the plant spirits too.

I wild forage & grow all that I can. I harvest, dry & blend my herbs to make yoni steams, teas, tinctures & other herbal remedies to heal my community & most especially the wombs & women they belong too.

Living cyclically, in tune to our moon cycles, is so vitally important to me & yoni steaming is one of the most potent tools to reconnecting us to our mysterious & magical womb portals. I feel our planet will change when us womben begin Honouring our womb~heart channel, our blood, our inner knowing & re~remember our feminine power.