100 % hand made, hand carved wooden YONI V STEAM stool set. MADE TO ORDER. Once you place your order the craftsman will begin to assemble your stool using local timber. Each stool that he creates is completely unique and varies slightly, as the wood guides him to design the final product.

You will receive a gorgeous completely unique one-of-a-kind Wooden Yoni steaming throne spa chair, a 60g bag of herbal yoni steaming blend of your choice & a ritual card.

Forget toxic plastic yoni steaming seats & sitz baths or cheap uncomfortable wooden steaming stools sealed with chemicals that will leach when heated. This is a 100% Handmade, handcarved wooden throne, made with local hardwood milled just 2 kms from my home in the magic Numinbah Valley & sealed with completely natural non toxic mineral oil.

The craftsman is also a local who lives within our close knit community. He was intrigued when he visited my medicine gardens & enquired about why I grow so many herbs. When I explained, he was inspired to handcraft a stool, or throne rather, to serve the feminine. We both then collaborated to dream up an elegant & functional steaming chair that would enhance the experience of yoni steaming to make it especially sacred & healing for woman.

This steaming throne is designed to be straddled (sitting with a thigh each side of the steaming window). This is what makes this stool extra special!

The craftsman handcarves bottom grooves into the throne tops to make them extra comfortable, so you can steam for as long as you like. The original design was flat, like many of the other steaming seats out there, but just didn’t feel right & significantly reduced the amount of time women could seat & steam in comfort. After, trialling the first design we decided comfort had to be impeccable so we worked together more closely to mimic a ‘saddle’ type design, that not only allowed support but optimum comfort. The seat has been design to be straddled like a saddle, allowing maximum impact from the steam, with the ability for each woman to control how much or how little steam her yoni receives based on her intuition & comfort.

The stool weighs approx 6kg (13lb )​ So it is light weight & easy to carry. The measurements are approximate & as followed ~

~Width~ 6cm
~Length~ 54cm

~Length~ 42.5cm
~Width ~ 4.5cm

~Height from seat~10.5cm

Steaming Bowl Hole:
~ Diameter~8cm

Steaming hole:

I also grow, pick, dry & blend my own herbal yoni steams & have created a number of blends for all kinds of vaginal issues, browse my shop to find them in 20g,60g or up too 500g bags.



wood hardwood local timber Australia hardwood 75ml galvanised bolt wood glue organic sealant mineral oil sustainable timber ethical timber


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